Blueprint for Better Expense Management

Construction is a complex industry, and managing expenses can be just as challenging as managing projects. Our new guide, Blueprint for Better Expense Management, is designed to help construction companies get a handle on their expenses and improve their profitability. The guide provides clear strategies and a connected card system to help businesses simplify operations, boost financial accuracy, and enhance overall profitability.

What you’ll learn

Learn how to take advantage of real-time visibility, embed cost-coding for precise job costing, simplify your expense workflows, and use AI to minimize manual tasks and maintain compliance. These strategies are designed to help construction companies gain operational efficiency and financial clarity as they adopt the latest advancements in expense management technologies.

Key findings

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Enhanced efficiency

With real-time expensing and corporate cards, businesses can save 90% of the time they previously spent on expense reviews and audits.

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Improved financial health

Companies that use these systems can close their books faster—by days—and can speed up client billing by up to four weeks, which leads to a significant boost in financial performance.

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Operational Improvements

Automated and integrated systems have eliminated manual expense reporting and reimbursements, which results in fewer errors, more accurate job costing, and ultimately, greater profitability.

Transform how you manage expenses today and see immediate improvements in your company’s financial and operational efficiency.

Center simplifies managing employee spend

Center is a complete, connected corporate card, travel, and real-time expense management solution that streamlines employee spend, including managed and unmanaged travel, while giving finance teams the control and visibility they need.

Want to learn more about how Center can transform your company’s spend management? 

Request a personalized demo