Center Point Blog

Priorities and Strategies in Light of COVID

By The Center Team on June 29, 2020

This month’s news and insights include articles on building business resilience, leveling up organizational intelligence, and committing to change.

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Making the Switch from Expensify to Center

By The Center Team on June 4, 2020

It’s fast and easy for your whole team to make the switch to Center’s real-time expensing solution, for all the features you need without…

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How Can Non-Profit Finance Teams Focus on What Matters Most

By The Center Team on June 1, 2020

Non-profit organizations must manage expenses within the added constraints of tight budgets and high-efficiency benchmarks. Center can help.

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Doing More With Less: Rethinking Expense Management Now

By The Center Team on May 29, 2020

For finance teams, working smart and doing more with fewer resources is more critical than ever. A new approach to expense management can help.

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Finance Leadership, Strategic Analysis, and Resilience

By The Center Team on May 27, 2020

In this month’s recommended reading: involving employees in budget cuts, building resilience, increasing organizational impact, and more.

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Why It’s Time for a Corporate Card Program

By The Center Team on May 21, 2020

With an increasing need for live data and full visibility into spend, there are clear advantages to setting up a corporate card program sooner…

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How To Think About Discretionary Spend Now

By The Center Team on May 4, 2020

Across-the-board discretionary spend cuts sound like a good idea, but often deliver little in the way of results. Here’s why, and what to do…

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Leading through Crisis and Reacting to Change

By The Center Team on April 29, 2020

This month’s recommended reading: advice from seasoned business leaders, how finance is adjusting to WFH, leading with values, and more.

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How To Smooth the Monthly Close for Remote Work (and Beyond)

By The Center Team on April 23, 2020

With our finance team spread across time zones and regions (Washington, Ontario, and Virginia), we’ve been doing remote month-end closes for several years.

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Staying Nimble: Corporate Controller Q&A

By The Center Team on April 23, 2020

Experienced controllers on how finance can help organizations emerge from the downturn stronger than ever, and how they leverage technology to stay nimble.

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The Other Side of COVID-19: 4 Fixes to Come Out a Stronger Business

By The Center Team on April 14, 2020

As COVID-19 executive orders limiting travel and group gatherings bring many employee expenses to a grinding halt, how can finance teams use this time…

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Expense Policy Changes To Consider Right Now

By The Center Team on April 10, 2020

With all the disruptions to business travel, now is a good time to review expense policies and update them to reflect today’s environment.

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