Center Point Blog

The Real-Time Expensing Alternative to Expensify

By The Center Team on October 27, 2020

If you’ve been looking for an Expensify alternative, here are 10 things to know about Center’s complete spend and expense management solution.

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On-Demand Webinar | Top Tips for Optimizing Expense Management: Non-Profit Edition

By The Center Team on October 14, 2020

Non-profits today face increased demand for services along with operational and financial challenges caused by the pandemic.

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What to Look For in an Expensify Alternative

By The Center Team on October 14, 2020

A checklist for evaluating automation, customization, support, pricing, and more in your next expense management software.

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How Finance Teams Have Reacted—and Adapted—to COVID-19

By The Center Team on October 9, 2020

Six months into the pandemic, we wanted to know more about how finance teams are dealing with the effects of COVID-19 today.

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Manual Accounting, Automation, and Rebounding

By The Center Team on September 28, 2020

In this month’s roundup, articles on automating accounting processes, setting executive optimism, high-performance collaboration, and more.

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How a Purchasing Card Almost Gave Me a Heart Attack

By The Center Team on September 23, 2020

When you’re on the ground for a big marketing event, a purchasing card with limited visibility and flexibility is useless. Center offers a better…

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2020 Expense Management Report: Adapting to New Realities

By The Center Team on September 16, 2020

Learn what finance professionals had to say about adapting to the challenges of 2020, which tools they’re using, and more.

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Remote Work, Reporting Challenges, and Tech Trends

By The Center Team on August 26, 2020

In this month’s news round up: remote productivity, internal reporting, tech trends in finance, cultivating a growth mindset, and more.

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Center Introduces Credit, QuickBooks Integration

By The Center Team on July 30, 2020

Center improves accounting speed and accuracy with the launch of its new corporate credit card program and QuickBooks Online integration.

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Automation, Adaptation, and Digital Transformation

By The Center Team on July 27, 2020

In this month’s reading for finance teams: building an inclusive culture, the return of business travel, the changing role of CFOs, and more.

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Expense Data Accuracy Matters

By The Center Team on July 15, 2020

Having accurate and timely data is critical to any finance team doing their job properly. Here’s how Center helps with categorizing expenses correctly.

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Is Your Finance Team Under Pressure? Eight Ways Center Can Help

By The Center Team on July 6, 2020

Many finance teams are buried in time-consuming operational tasks. Here’s how Center can help streamline key processes to operate more strategically.

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