Center Point Blog

Are Billable Expenses Eroding Your Profitability?

By The Center Team on June 1, 2021

What if managing billable expenses could be easy? Real-time expensing with Center is simpler, faster, and more accurate than what you’re doing now.

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Leading Transformational Change

By The Center Team on May 27, 2021

May’s news roundup includes insights on real-time data, the future of remote work, strategizing for simplicity, and successful organizational change.

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Getting a Handle on Discretionary Spend

By The Center Team on May 8, 2021

Discretionary spend most likely isn’t a line item in your budget, but it can have a surprisingly big impact on your bottom line.

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Embracing the Future of Work for Finance

By The Center Team on April 30, 2021

This month’s reading recommendations include: continued CFO optimism, emerging hiring trends, and moving from insight to impact.

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5 Reasons Finance Teams Shouldn’t Return to Business as Usual

By The Center Team on April 29, 2021

Center CEO Naveen Singh shares five fundamental takeaways for finance teams and business leaders to consider as the economy moves into recovery.

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What Finance Leadership Looks Like Now

By The Center Team on March 30, 2021

Read this month’s news roundup, with articles on leadership skills, automation, and the art of simplification.

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How Finance Teams Use Their Time

By The Center Team on March 9, 2021

Day-to-day tasks keep finance teams from the process improvements, collaboration, and strategic work their organizations urgently need them to do.

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Four Common Objections About Corporate Card Programs

By The Center Team on March 4, 2021

What’s your organization’s stance on corporate cards? New research shows how to think differently about managing employee spending.

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What Is the Purpose of Expense Management Software?

By The Center Team on March 2, 2021

Center has completely reimagined expense management to a real-time expensing model, eliminating the burden of expense reports for employees and giving more visibility to…

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Laying the Groundwork for Change and Success

By The Center Team on February 24, 2021

This month’s news roundup includes articles on cultivating resilience, leading digital transformation, and embracing agility.

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How Finance Teams Have Adapted to New Realities

By The Center Team on February 17, 2021

While 99% of finance teams experienced at least one challenge due to COVID-19, teams of all sizes demonstrated adaptability.

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Playing the Long Game and Redefining Leadership

By The Center Team on January 29, 2021

This month’s reading list includes articles on strategic scenario planning, fresh thinking for forecasts, and playing the long game.

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